Late Introduction :New to the group

Hello everyone, my name is Debbie or Deb for short, there are some of you I had the pleasure of working with on sales. My late introduction was partly because college obligations and I was busy redoing my workshop which required me to buy all the new kits, gadgets,paints and researching all the techniques. I used to make Reborns and sell them back in the early 2004 that’s when you had to do the Berenguer dolls with the Dremel tools to get rid of the hair grooves and sand wow has it come a long way! I set aside my Hobby to go to work in my profession and after 11 years they closed down, so now I have time on my hands to devote to relearning this craft. It is amazing how far it has come. You all are the most warm, friendliest and sharing group I have seen so far. Now that I am ready to start painting, I would be honored to be a part of the forum and share with you all on the reborning journey!


Hello glad you joined us
I will love to see your finished baby all that
hard experience doing those dolls.This will be a breeze for you! awed at all of you who did them back then.

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:rose: Welcome welcome

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Thank you I can’t wait to see a finish one as well, Those were the days a lot of labor went into each one of those dolls I even found my Dremmel kit and boxes of berenguer dolls some still new in box


I would love to see any of the dolls you did before and can’t wait to see what you would do with what we have now. Welcome :hugs:


I would love to see the old dolls too. Welcome!

Sadly, I lost most of my pictures from back then, here is one of the first babies I ever did, she looked so dolly. I made her from a caucasian Brenguer doll.I had to dremel the hair grooves off and use acetone to melt the scalp smooth and I rooted her with mohair it’s just amazing how the process has evolved!


Wow, I love seeing the pioneers, thanks for sharing! She is lovely.

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Welcome, Deb! :relaxed:

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Welcome, Deb! Nice to meet you!

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Hello and welcome. I started in 2002, and remember those darn Berenguer dolls, matter of fact I still have a few still in the box. This is a totally different world of reborning, and I fully enjoy this much better, as I’m sure you will.


Hi welcome!!

Very interesting. There should be a documentary on reborns.

That is for sure ! That was my very first Berenguer doll :grinning:. And I did come across a couple still in the box as well! Another world back then, it felt more like working in a wood shop with my dremel tool. All the research and testing that I’ve done so far, I am just so fascinated and loving it. Thanks for the welcome wishes everyone.:slight_smile: