Larry Blick Vinly

I hope I haven’t asked this on here yet. If I have, please forgive. :smiley:

I am painting Larry and I find his vinyl resists GHSP. It seems to absorb and disappear in spots (especially the mottling) as it flashes off, and fades out over all so that the mottle is barely there when dry and baked. Even blue seems to disappear. I’m having a time getting blue undertones to stick.

Has anyone else found this vinyl to be a bit difficult? I gave the kit a hot soapy scrub and a rubdown with alcohol before I began painting. I’m puzzled. :expressionless:


Lynn was saying Her Tommy was doing that and My Zhenya was like that last week. Have you tried a varnish layer?


I finished painting my Larry not long ago. Didnt have any problems with the vinyl other than it having a strong odor


I didn’t have any problem with the GHSP paints adhering. You might want to apply a coat of matte varnish so the paint adheres better.

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I was going to try a layer of varnish but chickened out. I was afraid it would make him too rough because I always finish with a varnish layer to reduce glare. I just don’t want to mess this kit up. But I may have to do this to get the looks I’m wanting.

I’ve varnished before and after painting and there was no difference in the end result, texture-wise. I had been concerned about that, too, and was happily surprised.

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Does varnishing before done with the doll cause the paint applied after to look uneven or anything. I guess since I haven’t done it that way yet I’m not sure what to expect. :smiley:

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No, in fact, it helps it to go on evenly.


Awesome. I just may make myself try it. :grin: