Laila asleep all finished!

I’ve posted a few of her pics in the work in progress section, but now she is complete! She is my 4th full kit and I learned a lot painting her… Tried a few new things. I love her little face, but I’d really love for her arms to get revamped. Her left arm has such a weird angle to it… It’s awkward. I’m sure anyone who’s painted her would agree.


She turned out absolutely beautiful

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What a pretty baby

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So cute! I love her hair!

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She’s so sweet!

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She’s beautiful!

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What? Wait. She’s your 4th reborn that you’ve painted and rooted? This is exceptional!! :hushed::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
You need this new artist as a prototype

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BB should do a prototype artist contest. Would be good for business!


That’s what we keep telling them

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Squeaky wheels!


She is so sweet!!!

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Thank you @Estelle85

Gorgeous baby :heart:

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Thanks @chrissie

Thank you @ellakabella

Thank you @Mommarobin @EmOh @cherielynn09! @Vanniek, yes she is my 4th, and your comment made me almost cry! Thank you so much for your kind words! <3

Gorgeous baby!

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Beautiful work

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Absolutely love her, awesome!

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Nah I think we are too annoying and that’s why they abandoned us :crazy_face: besides it would be really hard to choose a winner!!! Some things look amazing in photos but close up no bueno :face_with_hand_over_mouth: