KSDS September, 2021

Hi All,
here is the album of the pictures that I took and some that were shared with me.
‘My people’ were still traveling till midnight, so it will be more pictures coming, I assume.
My pix might be duplicates because they are from day1 and day2 and they seems slightly out of the order (those that were shared with me), but you’ll get the feel and the atmosphere anyway :wink:

I am so glad that I’ve met so many wonderful, talented people, and most importantly - my dear forum friends in person! :heart:



So many beautiful pics! Thank you for sharing!


Thank you so much for sharing! Does anyone know what sculpt baby 16 is?


Wow…Yelena…thank youuuu🥰

I am getting ready to mow grass…but got to look at part of these while I ate lunch
I will come back this evening and go through more of them !!!

Sooooo many beautiful babies…I cant imagine them all being
in the same place and being able to walk through and just enjoy


This is Ossie Ossie by Priscilla Lopes

Thank you so much for sharing!!

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Very happy for you Yelena, glad you got to go meet our forum friends, the ones that I have met------All Wonderful people!! Thank you for sharing your pictures, was this your first show? Are you hooked? Come to ROSE!!


Thank you so much! :hugs:
My first show was IDTS in Orlando in 2019. I was the beginner reborn ‘grasshopper’ and that time and didn’t know much about anything :laughing:
If I’ll go again, I would choose Orlando or Wichita again.
And if I have enough babies painted I might even gather a courage to go to Orlando as a vendor, but doubt that I can reserve a table. Last time I hear, they are all sold for the next year after the show. But we’ll see. Me and @Peachtree were talking about it :wink:
Not even for sales, but for meeting fellow artists and sculptors and getting experiences.


Really? Wow, he looks so different at that angle

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Thank you much… as a vendor, I missed seeing so much. I am astounded at how LOW some of vendors priced their babies?


You are very welcome! This is what I though - that you didn’t have much time to go and see everything.

We’ve met such a wonderful artist from La Petite Mamselle with beautiful babies from $375 to $400 fully rooted beautifully, even with additional set of clothes. She brought 17 and at the end of the 2nd day she only had 2 dolls, but I didn’t check, she might sold them also. I was contemplating to buy one of her baby on the 2nd day, but she was bough and I was glad that temptation was out my hands :wink:

This is one of her baby


Collette Bivens is way underpriced for the quality of her work. I told her that but she said it is just a hobby for her and she loves doing it. She does craft fairs too and sells lots (no wonder at her prices)…


Yes, this is what she was telling to everyone :slight_smile: She is such a sweet lady!

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So many favorites but these two stole my heart.


Just because it’s a hobby doesn’t mean you have to underprice and not make any money… I never understood that. It’s a hobby for me too but I’m going to sell for what they’re worth! People are crazy haha


These babies are just amazing!!!


Aww, thank you! :kissing_heart:

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