Kodi Bear

Lol, I always wanted to see the comparison between June and Joe like this. And now I know I like Kodi Bear even better!

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I’ll have to take pics of June and joe together too!

Do you have a Maddie? That would be perfect. Chubbies Unite! Lol

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Nope no maddies for me… something about those straight arms :thinking:

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I won’t be first. I just got my invoice this morning.

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Yay nice comparison!

Great comparison pictures. I wonder how he compares to 11 month Charlotte? If no one else gets that comparison I will do one when my Kodi kit gets here.


I like Kodi Bear! Thanks for the comparison pics @PhotographyForLife


Oh yay!! He’s so big! I love his size. Mine will be here tomorrow.:slightly_smiling_face:

If you haven’t done so already, go find Julie Kirby on tictoc and Instagram and look at the real Kodi. His tictoc videos are adorable. Everything about him is adorable. :heart_eyes:


What a cutie, I’d love to hug him as I am sure that I couldn’t pic him up. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I know. I just want to squeeze him. :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Thanks for those pictures !!

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Mine is here too!!! So pleased and thanks for the comparison, they are pretty close

Pretty sure the torsos for June and joe would work for Kodi too… just a little color matching. I haven’t decided if I want to do one or not :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

He is too cute !!!

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I got mine too and I’m so glad for the size! He is big without being overwhelming.


Someone posted their kit on Instagram today.

I got my invoice from her today. so soon(i hope)

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