Kit recommendation

Which kit would you recommend for this baby?

if that babys eyes were closed i would say asher asleep.

Yeah I thought so too, but she is wanting open eyes…

take a look at the asher awake on BB and see if it comes close. and if it does i would buy that when he comes out

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cuz i cant think of any other BB sculpt that would come as close as Asher does. by the way that little baby is gorgeous :slight_smile: i love newborns!!!


Thank you! :slight_smile:

There is a reborn on sale right now on ebay, but they don’t say what sculpt.


Thanks Anna, that sculpt would be perfect!

Don’t know the sculpt name, but if you could get it at the price it’s at it could be stripped (if even needed) and rooted. It’s on the “ending soon”, and it’s only $51.00. Myself, I thought it is an adorable reborn.

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The baby above is Hope by Cheryl Webber- her website says sold out- she just had a big sale. Want me to ask around at other forums?

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Thanks everyone!!!
Kristi I’ll see if she likes the kit before I chase it down, or have you too…LOL… Thanks!

I was thinking Gabriel


Thanks ladies, your help is greatly appreciated!

I think that this kit is the best match so far.

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