Kit Match Wizards!

Hey ladies! I need your help with a kit match! This is my uncle who passed away before I was born. Long story short I am making my grandma a baby angel and I may be doing a partial portrait baby if I can find a match to him. If not my mom has said Kenzie from bb is a pretty close match to him as a baby. Thanks in advance! We’re looking for a bigger baby, 24 inches + is preferred :slight_smile:


Just consider a bigger baby is heavy so if grandma wants to hold it can be heavy for her .

Yeah, I know. This baby is mainly for her collection, she collects angels. I likely won’t be weighting the baby to be too heavy either. Probably not more than 5 lbs

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BB Cuddles maybe?

Thanks :slight_smile: I’ll show my mom and get her opinion.

My two suggestions would be George toddler by Ping Lau, or Katie Marie toddler by Ann Timmerman.


Thanks! I’ll show her both of them and see what she thinks.

I know you said you were looking for toddler size or big babies…but I think you should check out Angel Girl by Shirley Jones…

I’ll take a look :slight_smile: If it’s a good match then size isn’t too important lol
@HouseofDolls you mean Angel from Bountiful Baby?

Yes…sleeping baby

Tiffany Blick has larger eyes and on sale on Macphersons. Only 21 inches though


Thanks :slight_smile: I already showed her this one and got a no :sweat_smile:

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Jewls, Tommy or Harlow by Sandy Faber. Not sure how big they are, though. BB Ladybug might work, too.

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What about the new Luscinia by Jannie de Lange? It’s not out yet though.

I cant believe I’m the first to mention the Ping Lau girls! Emelia

Cammie Tori

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Especially Emelia by Ping Lau!! :wink:


Emilia is really close!

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I vote for Emelia also.

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