Kit Match for me as a Baby!?

This is me as a baby. Any good kit suggestions? Thanks! :slight_smile:


Stephanie by Didy Jacobsen. Irresistables and MacPhersons both have it.

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Aww, I could see that with the little teeth and chubby cheeks!

She’s sold out, but I peg you are a ringer for Harper Arcello

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Amelia may work.


Gracie but she does not have teeth nor is she smiling but the eyes and nose and face shape made me think of her!

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Thanks everyone!! All good suggestions! I would love to find Harper. :smiley:

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Emilia by Ping Lau


I have Emilia, but haven’t gotten to her yet! She reminds me of my Sis, so I guess there’s a family resemblance! :smiley:

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Chantel by Jannie DeLange?

Not sure but oh my gosh you are absolutely one of the cutest babies I’ve ever seen
We need a kit of you!
You must be gorgeous now too I’m sure

Aww, thank you Katie!! My parents were told I looked like the Gerber baby when I was little, haha. :blush:

Haha, I just reailzed they’re the same angle, so it makes for a good comparison. Lol! :laughing:

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