Kinda Excited :-)

I am gonna order an Elyse kit by Cassie Brace sometime today!! I have been waiting on her pre-order. Other than my accidental “Lelou” this will be the first time I have pre-ordered a baby. So yep… I am excited!



She’s a darling baby, for sure! If she wasn’t so big I’d get her for myself. :slight_smile:

She is a beautiful baby! I’m excited for you!

Izzy lol… I love big babies :smile:

I only like big alive babies lol. For dolls, I prefer small newborns. :slight_smile:

I wish I had some dolly dollars because I want to get my hands on her. I love the little mouth on her. That’s one of my favorite things about Cassie Brace’s kits is their mouths and lips. I’m more interested in Phoenix than Elyse though.

I’ve pre-ordered too and like you have been waiting and watching. Love this kit!

Yes Phoenix is cute too. But I am only
Ordering one kit right now at that price lol.

If you will use this code: - you will get a 5% discount from Small World Wonders. Katilyn has the kit available for $109.00. Most of the other suppliers are asking $119.00 for Elyse. The discount code is because I have an account set up with Kaitlyn and it will give anyone a 5% discount that uses it. Hope you haven’t already completed your order.

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Awwww! Wow thanks @Pia but I did the order this morning. Dolls by Sandie had her for $109 also and only a $10 deposit plus shipping… Which was only $9.05 for priority 2 day. Thanks so much for offering that discount though!

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Good price from Sandie! Glad you didn’t pay $119. She is $116.00 from MacPhersons with free shipping so that is a great deal too.

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@pia Yea… I start sweating big time with those higher priced kits! I just don’t think I am good enough yet for those, but I really wanted her LOL. All I had to pay out today was $19.05. Will owe $99.90 when she is ready.

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