Kimber finished

Finally finished Kimber and found this little new Carter sleeper with hat for $2 25 at a flea market.I was thrilled but its a 3 months so little big for her Have bootie like socks too in purple with bunny faces.

<img src="/uploads/db4141/original/3X/c/6/c6cdb638dd0bd64d9d1b2bfb9623f7e2c5e8ecf7.jpg"


She is so cute!! I love her eye placement too.

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So cute, I love how she looking to the side :smiley:

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Thanks my dumb cell pics are so bad but all i have Still not super with hair but little better each time. This light color hair cant even see her fine eyelashes and brows
I think those sideway looks on reborns are cute too.


She is just precious and all girl too! How do you get her eyes to stay like that?

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Michelle bet yours did too!
The eyes they are just in sort of crooked.Lets hope they do stay that way.My first trying a sideways look I used E600…is that what its called?Its late for me tonite…cant think… around the backs my fingers are crossed now they do stay!!


:frowning: oh no!

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She looks great , and good find


Aw, she’s cute xx


I like the eyes, too, Roxanne. If you used E6000 on the eyes, then they won’t be going anywhere. :slight_smile:


Thanks Amy thats good to know.I just hope i have enough touching the eyeball in back and not just the vinyl
Michelle i think mines face collapsed in
baking a bit.If you look at the side hair photo her face looks a little smashed to m
e.I should have stuffed her head tighter Might do it still .
I dont like how that looks
.I wish id get better at hair!! I dont have many bad plugs but it still is so willy nilly not evenly put in because i cant see the tip of the hair so just guess and ny rooter seems to put a hair in about every 5th stab.So hair is not in evenly.I went vack andcredid spots but still not even THIS HAIR STUFF IS TRICKY!!


One thing i messed up on I tried to get the eye whites even but sonehow a little more shows on the one eye.I guess its ok because some babies their eyes dont totally coordinate for a bit but still kicking myself its a little off.
Well ny 6th baby.Each you learn something i guess


Cute little munchkin!


Cutie cutie congrats!


Such a cutie!


I should have looked as soon as it was done but didnt look until cool so couldnt stuff it then to help hold the shape unless i put it back in to bake again Wasnt totally sure it did sink either or was like that.
Should have watch.Fen Yen did that BAD.sunk way in. i did stuff hers to cool

Well thank you all !!
I realky wanted her to look like the protototype think its so very cute…i didnt quite get there but think shell pass. Was hard to keep her from looking dolly.I guess she still does i think the open eyes are harder to get to look real or she was for me.