Kenzie/Amelia Diaper Size?

Hey Ladies :slight_smile: Can anyone tell me what size diapers the crawlers wear. Thanks :slight_smile:

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I bought a size 4 and fits her perfectly

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Awesome thanks! I thought size 4 would work but wasn’t sure :slight_smile:

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You are most welcome!! I took the chance on what size…i bought the parents choice brand diapers

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Sounds good! I’m going to the thrift store, sometimes they have small little packs of diapers cause I really don’t need a whole pack for one baby lol


Lol…oh i totally understand!! I got the smallest pack i could find at walmart…needless to say i have more than enough…or i could actually send you some if youd like. Kenzie is gonna be a keeper baby and probably to only one that big so i dont need the whole pack.

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Haha I know the feeling, I would’ve picked up some when I was in the US if I had’ve known haha cause they’re a little cheaper there. I’m in Canada, but if you don’t mind I’d love a couple :slight_smile: Thanks so much for the offer :blush:


I gotta work tonight (walmart) so i can pick up a padded envelope big enough to put some of the diapers in it. If you want you can send me a pm with your address and i can probably get it sent out friday or saturday morning for you :smiley:

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Awesome thanks! I’ll pm you :kissing_heart:


Its no problem at all! :heart:


The dollar stores sometimes have small packs of diapers.


Mine don’t :frowning: Not here in Canada anyway

Good to know, I have an Amelia that I need diapers for. What size clothes did you use?

Well since i didnt have any clothes for her before i started painting her i wasnt able to bring her in to test what size…soooooo i just went with my gut and bought 12 month size…some people say that she can fit into some 6-9 mo size…i decided a little big is better that a little small…lol

Sounds good and she is a big baby for sure

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Definitely the biggest i have ever painted…she is no way near done yet.

I am not looking forward to the baking nor the rooting of the huge head, lol

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Omg i know!! Im seriously scared about rooting her huge head…especially since that seems to be my weakest part of the whole reborning process

I’m lacking in the rooting department myself, lol. It is so time consuming. I’m hoping to get better in the near future but it’s going to take a lot of prayers, lol