Kase Awake

Congratulations to all of the Kase Awake winners! I will be saving my “dollie dollars” to buy him. He is so cute! I don’t need all of the Realborns, but he really is adorable!

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Yes, congratulations! Please post WIP pics. :blush:

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Are any of the winners members of the forum?

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Congratulations to the winners! Still happy here even though my name isn’t on the list. My name is on an order!!! Can’t wait for that little face to show up at my door. :baby:

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Just ordered mine. Woo hoo!

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Congrats to all the winners :slight_smile: I just bought my Kase awake :slight_smile: anyone no when Celeste will be realeased I thought they said she wasn’t a realborn so what are they waiting for lol. I really like her

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