Kameko as Caucasian?

Has anyone ever done the Kameko kit as Caucasian or anything besides Asian? If so I’d love to see pics…I have the kit but am a little hesitant about my abilities with an Asian complexion. Thanks a bunch!

I’ve seen aliens made from the kit. Not sure if that’s helpful. :sweat_smile:


Pierce is caucasian LOL Just kidding around it was a fantasy baby I did.:rofl:


I don’t think that kit could be anything other than Asian I think it would always come across as Asian

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I think she would be fine as Caucasian, we are in America and we are blended with everything! We are a Melting Pot!


There as @AnnieSokay says many colors of Asian some have a very light coloring and have the Caucasian look also some who are not full Asian that have the features but not the coloring .

The Kameko I did had very Caucasian coloring. I don’t think the kit lends itself to anything but an Asian baby, but there are lots of different skin tones in that area of the world. As a result, you end up having a lot of flexibility with painting. Don’t worry yourself about whether you can figure out how to get “the Asian skintone”. There are about as many complexion colors there as there are here. Just paint her and have fun!


I love your Kameko @2layz.


That is by far the BEST Kameko I have ever seen Ann!! I don’t care for this kit at all, never have, but yours is Adorable!! In fact, I hope you don’t mind, I’m saving the picture for future reference.


I agree he is adorable!

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Off to Google!


Thank you @jeanhai @lynn and @AnnieSokay. Your kind comments mean a lot to me.

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Renee Zellweger - Sample pic

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@2layz WOW!!! Your Kameko is the first and only version I have seen that looks realistic. I am honestly in awe of your work on her! I was convinced she was just a kit that would look dolly and unrealistic no matter what, and if I were half as talented as you- I would consider having a go at reborning her. It really does show true talent taking that kit and turning her into such a beautiful baby❤

Thank you so much!

Is Renee Asian?
I love her @2layz


Thank you @Nikkiroc!

No, I think she has Asian features. @Nikkiroc


Oh!!! Her eyes, yea!

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