If you have reborned her or any kit like her, with the torso. Any, help n or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Like can I lay the torso on its back? How do you hold the limbs whole painting them. I am using 2 rings for my oven. I’ve only put the torso n head in the oven, for now. Do I punch the lil things out in the torso arms?
Been a while since I made mine. I didn’t bake, but I just stood the torso up on the flat bottom side. I wouldn’t just lay it flat on the back to bake, because it might collapse.
I painted hands by holding the wrist, and moving up the arm while painting. Same for the legs. For the last bit I’d stick a dowel into the arm holes and hold onto that.
The little circles in the middle of the arm holes need to be cut out, yes.
Also, prepare to have someone there once it’s time to assemble. My dad and I had to do it together, he busted out a couple of extra tools and it still took us quite some time to get the arms properly in place.
I did this one many moons ago… I used several old long handle sturdy paint brushes I took the bristle end off and pushed them into the holes in the arms…(you can use dowel rods or whatever you have that will push into the holes in the arms) … I painted all the way up the arms for as far as I could keep a good grip, then push the paint brush in and used that to hold on to while pouncing the rounded parts of the arms… leave the dowel in so that you can wedge the other end in between several very heavy books to insure that the arm can hang without falling while drying… (make sure that your ‘sticks’ are long enough that when you hang the arm, they do not swing down and touch anything.
When I cooked the torso, I stood it up - right side up - I think. … I have done other toddlers and laid the torsos on their back to cook and flipped and did not have any problems with collapsing and you stuff them anyway with fiberfill. (if you do decide to cook on its back and find that it sinks in a bit, just pull it out when it is still warm and stuff with fiber fill and let it cool…)
If you are talking about the concave part of the arm on the torso… no you do not cut that as it forms a ball joint style arm section for her… if you mean that there is no hole in that area then yes you will have to have a hole there for the elastic to go through to the other side… I may not understand what you are asking on that though.
Like Sanne mentioned, she is a bit of a dilly to put together.
I’m afraid to stuff with poly fill. I have filled before with poly fill n both times the vinyl split open. Thank you for the other advice.
I baked Aloenkas torso sitting up. As for limbs, a paint brush definitely helps give you a better grip.