Just got my realborn Jaycee asleep

Hello I just received an un expected realborn baby Jaycee asleep by BB ,her name is going to be Alicia Elease . Will post her pic here shortly ,am new on this forum ,pls forgive me ,if am not using this tools :toolbox: properly, but any help or tips ,that would be super awesome :clap:t2:,have a fabulous weekend



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Thank you :blush:

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She’s very sweet!

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Thank you :blush:

Welcome to the forum! I am curious what do you meant by ‘unexpected’?


Welcome. She is so cute.

Unexpected???congratlations what a beautiful surprise

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Welcome to this forum. Folks here are very helpful. Questions? Just ask!

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Welcome :blush:

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Hi ,it means I was surprise ,and was not expecting a realborn baby ,and I had no clue that I was un-expecting ,sorry …thank you so much

Thank you