Just for fun.. your most interesting sale

Thought this might be a fun subject .Your most interesting sale be it the buyer or directions how to make the doll …what to add …anything
My most interesting sale so far was the other day Lady wanted the doll because shes a doula gives childbirth classes .Wanted the baby for that .Maybe not super exciting but ive never met or talked to someone who midwifed well psycologically helped
Was a first for me :blush:


Adding freckles to a newborn for a custom order, and it was my first time doing freckles ever!


@Rirish I believe that is what got @cher_simnitt involved in reborns.

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My most interesting sale was last night. We have a VBS this weekend at our church. The kids evangelist and his wife had dinner with us. My husband talked about my dolls and I brought out my twins. Charlie really liked Zeke and asked how much he would be and if he was for sale. This is why I was looking for Thomas asleep. I told Charlie if I could find another kit I would sell him Zeke. Zeke is now Baby Jesus for Charlie’s ministry.


I was teaching midwifery and was looking for a Doll to use as a birthing simulator and came across REBORNS - I thought someone was trying to sell a real baby !!!


I have lend babies a few times to be jesus. :blush:


Funny, I was just thinking yesterday how fun it would be to make a baby Jesus as a Christmas decoration!


I think max would be great for that

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I hadn’t considered that, but you’re right! He’d make an adorable Jesus.
Now to convince my father to make a manger, haha.

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My zombie twins! :slight_smile:


oh my GOODNESS LOL! That is precious

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My most interesting had to be my baby Donald T. He was fun to photograph and I sold him to a person who collects political memorabilia and she even lives in a white house!

He was so much fun, I’ve done a set of twins “Frump” and “Grump” that I’m getting ready to list. No more Trumps after that for me though! LOL


Love these!

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How neat :grinning:


@GrammysReborns Teresa made an amazing nativity with Joseph, Mary, and Max as baby Jesus!!! It’s really incredible :heart_eyes: maybe she will stop by with a pic :blush:

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How creative Trump doll!!If you advertised those i bet youd get buys from avid trump people well maybe you have!
Bawha just noticed the dollar in his hand

@greta, This one?

Sorry, wrong post

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