June is my big mistake

So I made a mistake choosing the seven month June as the first doll I ever rooted… it’s taking forever! 20 hours in and I’ve got maybe a third of the head done! I’ve learned a lot about needle angles and plugginess while rooting though

I’m going for a very full head of hair here. I’ve used maybe a third of an ounce so far.

I know for sure I’ll never sell this baby, I love her so much and I’d have to charge more than she’s worth to make it even remotely worth the work. Safe to say, I won’t be rooting again.


Once you do a big head like that, a newborn head will be a piece of cake!


Take me about 30 to 40 hours to root a newborn ! You are doing well !

You are doing great! She is beautiful!

You are doing amazing :astonished:

Yes…rooting is a very time consuming part of reborning…but looks like you are doing really good…just be patient…it will be worth it!!!

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You are doing a wonderful job. My rooting is always too thick.

It looks great!

Looks like great rooting.