Jumping into a toddler too early

I feel like I jumped into making a toddler way too early. I made a toddler as my fourth doll and I feel like I made a mistake. I like her but I still feel like I should have waited. Has anyone else felt this way?


What do you not like about her? Do you have any pictures?

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I’m making my first…it’s a lot of fun buying new clothing for her :slight_smile:


You can go broke buying clothes for the toddlers-soooo many choices.


Here are some of the pictures. I still have to root the hair because it’s coming in the mail but you’ll get the idea of her. I do like her it’s just that I feel like I could have done a better job if I waited a little longer. Thanks for replying to me! And I just bought two outfits for her and they’re adorable:)


I think she’s cute. She maybe could use just a little more color on her lips. On my monitor they look almost the same color as her skin tone but it might just be my monitor. What color hair and eyelashes will you give her?


You can always add to the areas that you are not happy with. I would define her eyebrows a little better. Agree with lip color comment also. Other than that what you are showing us does not look bad at all. Plus with eyelashes will will look more ‘alive’.

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I think she looks great! I understand what you mean about maybe you should have waited before tackling a toddler sculpt. Not that you don’t love it or enjoy it, you just might feel that you weren’t quite ready for that one yet. I hope you know what I am saying! :slight_smile:

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I’m going to give her blonde hair and eyelashes. Her hair is coming this week:)

Yes I understand what you’re saying and that’s definitely what I meant😊

I think she’s looking great!

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And this is a closeup if the lips. I’ll probably add some more color like you all suggestedUploading…

Thank you!!!

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I think the lips color is good! Nice job on your toddler. I don’t want to root a head the big so I stick to newborns.

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The lips look darker close up so just a touch more. Looking forward to seeing her finished.

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Or wigs.


My second reborn was a full vinyl 27 inch toddler. I definitely jumped in too early, but I had fun. :rofl:


My first doll was a toddler. I am glad for it, she is my favorite, I had messed up on her lips and nails, and eventually went back to fix it, but I am glad I did a toddler first. I like toddlers the best, and wouldn’t have cared as much for my first doll if I had made a baby. I made mistakes, but that to me is part of the charm of her being my first doll.


Thanks that makes me deal a lot better😅

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