Joseph Awake, finally!

Finally got this little guy finished ~ sharing pics :blue_heart:


Beautiful baby!

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Beautiful but then I always love your babies.

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Your’s is cuter than mine :wink:

Great job with a strange kit

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Beautiful. I love him in the yellow outfit.

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Such a beautiful skin tone, and as always, I love the photos.

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he is beautiful

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He’s lovely. That yellow outfit is too cute!

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On Karen he is so beautiful! I love him so much! He’s going to sell so quickly

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Thanks so much, everyone! :heart:

He’s precious! I love his yellow outfit!

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Awwww! What a little cutie! You did great with him, captured that little sweet face pefectly.

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He is so sweet!! I’m working on Joseph right now. I’m trying to decide whether to root his hair or paint it. I tried to get mine to be a girl, but it’s not happening. Lol

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He’s a cutie!

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So beautiful!!! ARe those small iris eyes? He looks awesome!

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His eyes are BB’s newborn deep blue