
I just watched a live from Jen at Creative Newborns.

She is taking a reborn and You Tube break.

At first I was like “ oh no!”

Then I realized that she is doing the absolute right thing, she is getting mind, body and spirit healthy and strong.

She is eating healthy, working out, putting energy into her home and kids.

I think that is totally inspirational and tomorrow I am getting up and going for a nice long walk and recommit to taking more time to take care of me.

Painting babies is awesome but it’s a lot of sitting and sitting alone.

It’s a beautiful world out there (even now when things seem grim with Politics, Covid, current events).

I think it’s really easy to find comfort in this And neglect The fact we need to be eating healthy, getting 30 minutes of physical activity a day, and just being in the moment with our people.

Babies will still be there…

Not sure if you are still here on the forum Jen but thanks for reminding me about what is most important, enjoy your break.


Everything is super grim right now. I’ve reached the point where this forum is pretty much the extent of my social media allowance. I have a tough time even reading news stories without having mass amounts of anxiety.

I think that losing myself in painting while listening to some music is one of the best sorts of therapy. Add to that some isolated nature walks and a home spa treatment and I should be right as rain.

Luckily I’ve finally managed to talk my husband into giving me my painting table back after nagging for at least a month. I don’t think he realized how badly I need this right now.


Not sure how anyone finds time to paint babies AND maintain any form of social media…I’m not that committed…it has to take a huge amount of time and I am soooooo lazy!!!

You guys amaze me!!! Hope your break away and reflections renew and refresh your soul…both artistically and spiritually💗


Absolutely right! It’s so important to take time for all aspects of your life :heart:


Balance is a hard thing to figure out. It’s easy to get lost a place that offers escape.

I find myself painting to avoid other things sometimes.

I love that she is finding other ways to experience joy.


I am in the foothills of the Sierras 3500 elevation on 5 acres of forest with no neighbors closer than 5 acres to me.My driveway is 1000’long and the mail box is over 1/4 miles away one direction. Just getting the mail is exercise LOL. It is silent, peaceful and beautiful. I am blessed to be able to grow my veggies,I have a small orchard of 12 fruit trees and every morning I say thank you. Here I can shut out the grim and violence and isolate in the beauty that abounds. I eat healthy and just keeping up 5 acres is a lot of exercise.I think Gina has the right idea we should all take time to enjoy life and reflect. :footprints: :baby:


Love the way you live, it sounds beautiful.