Japanese reborners?

Anyone have a link to a Japanese reborning website? Is there a community or suppliers there?


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Thank you so much! My cousins’ grandmother wants to try reborning but she doesn’t speak any English and I don’t speak Japanese so there was a language barrier. She’ll be excited to see this. Welcome to the forum!

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Your studies are going well. Your English is perfect. :grin:

Myself, along with a group of friends here, all hope to visit Japan one day. We are interested in the culture and have heard that it is quite beautiful.

Your English is great! I just saw your other post, and your art seems really great, too! :smile:

I’m studying Japanese right now, since my mother’s family is from Japan. I used to speak it pretty well, but I’ve forgotten a lot of things as I’ve gotten older.

It’s so awesome to see that the reborn community is in so many countries!


Your English is so good!!! It must be very hard to learn, I know Japanese would be! How cool!!!