It's May Madness at The Crooked Cradle Nursery

You all are the most creative bunch of people I’ve even known so I’m posting this here in the even any of you are interested in joining in on the madness and have some fun :grinning:


I am a little confused on what you want us to think up?
Also there is a typo in the image.
reborn for “general” sale

To think up a tag line (like a catchphrase that’s used in advertising). Something that goes with the Mystery Munchkin logo which is that brown box with the little baby peeking out of the side that’s at the bottom of the flyer. Thank you for letting me know about the typo


Congrats Tiffiny…Just watching your Riley and Wow…you go girl…She is doing great! and a bit over 3 days left to go. Woohoo!!!:heart_eyes:

Go have a look ladies…here is her auction item number - 121987007365 - just enter it into your ebay search bar

Sorry if this is the wrong thread…just had to say something…:kissing_heart:

I just checked the eBay listing for Riley. Way to go!!

I know, I’m so excited. I think next time I’ll shorten the the auctions to 7 days instead of 10…it seems like 10 year instead of 10 days lol. Thank you all for the words of encouragement and @westernstarr for posting this :slight_smile:

AND…If you guys have a moment pleeeeease pop over to my FB page and post for the free baby giveaway, it ends June 5. Thank you

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