It’s about me!

I hope the link posts correctly. It’s about me and some comments are saying ask for a refund for false advertising. And that is is cheap mohair. It is the quirky chromatist hair which you all know is exceptional quality. EEK!! Facebook can be scary now, when others are commenting to demand a refund for false advertising, I am hoping now she doesn’t get that idea. She’s made the same as all the hundreds of others dolls I have made, with highest quality products and highest care.

Hoping that the birds hyping her up don’t cause trouble for me, I don’t need that right now (well, who ever does) lol



The link won’t work for me because I’m not part of the group. :frowning:


Oh NO!! I’m so sorry. So many artists use her hair. But it doesn’t look to me that she knew how to take care of her hair. She’s the one that did that…look at your pics. She’s perfect!

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It’s private, so you’d have to screen shot to share, but I hate this for you!! She probably really didn’t take care of the hair and is now trying to blame you… just like the time my customer’s daughter damaged a doll and blamed me.

I hope this doesn’t go anywhere. So sorry you are dealing with this.


I requested to join the group. I’ll defend you if I’m accepted in the group.


I’m also not a member, could you share screenshots?


I joined to see and comment.

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I am not a member of this group so I cannot see it. I can imagine it though and I am so sorry. I know your work is top notch!

That link didn’t work for me either but this did.

What are the ‘waffles’ they speak of?

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Raffles. You can’t do raffles on Facebook so they rename it a waffle.


Thank you so much

I’m sorry to come on and vent- it was about how she loved the doll but every time she puts it down the hair gets messy.
Then the comments come in like “oh that is false advertising for cheap mohair- ask for a partial refund” and “omg poor baby that is so sad” and it is because of not properly caring for the hair. I already switched from kid and yearling to fine adult- most of my dolls are rooted thick but I found it easier to care for if the hair is less fine so I use young adult now. I get that people like to hold and play with the dolls but the babies are a work of art- there is a level of care which I have described in the note in the packages to her.
Also thank you sticking up for me! The customer told me she was very happy with her baby so I was shocked when I saw this! It just felt like the negative comments were ganging up with each other.
Eeek anyhow thank you for letting me vent my doll world situation.


Your dolls are beautiful
Can I ask a question?
Do you root from the end or from the middle of the hair? because that could be the problem if it tangles easily. I am only asking because another comment on there said they had one of your dolls that the hair tangles easily as well.
Personally I think she is just roleplaying a little to much for an art doll and any dolls mohair would get messed up, its very fragile.
Don’t take any of it personal. Its stressful having our art being publicly scrutinized all the time.
But in a way it makes us better artists.
If she is going to roleplay so much maybe she should get painted hair or keep a hat on it
I support you 100%

I now send this with every baby because We all know that even premium quality mohair has to be taken care of! It takes me as long to root a baby if not longer than it does to paint. It may sound very strict but we know that most people don’t take it seriously enough so if they atleast take this 1/2 serious then there will be less issues AND they can’t say that they didn’t know.


Can I use this?

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No problem my pleasure.

Thank you @PutABonnetOnIt

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