Isn't it a pit-y?

About a year ago I bought a first quality Jaycee kit. I’ve taken nearly a year off from enthusiastically reborning and I’m finally getting around to painting it.

Unfortunately the toes on her right foot are incredibly speckled due to pitting in the vinyl. I’m afraid I already know the answer to this one, but is there any way to salvage her?

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If you do a search you will find some of us had similar issues with Skya and there was a lot of great input. I dont think there was any cure. Except preventative sealing the kit before painting but even then how do you know it’s really the sealer that fixed the problem or there was no problem at all :woman_shrugging:t2:


Looks like she’s just gonna have to be a boo-boo baby, as I don’t think I could scrub the paint out of the pits even if I wanted to. sigh

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You might try mixing some of your base color with some thickening agent to fill the holes. I did that to fill dimples I didn’t like and it worked.


What I used was Liquitex matte super heavy gel. Got it at Hobby Lobby.


I have thinning medium, but nothing to thicken paint and our craft stores aren’t open. Thanks for the tip though. I’ll definitely file it away for later. :slight_smile:

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You can order thick medium from bountiful baby :grinning:


I just put in a big order on saturday…

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MacPherson’s sells a heat set vinyl putty. It is light flesh tinted.


I had great success with covering the pitted areas with a coat of an opaque color Genesis paint straight from the jar, then using thick medium to seal over the entire area of the fingers and toes. After that i could go back to painting as normal.



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