Is this real Liam Brown?

I am totally not saying this isnt the real Liam but something just looks weird to me. So I was curious is this him or is it just because she gave him top teeth maybe?


It doesn’t look like Liam to me. It’s the eyes and mouth that’s off. Similar but not Liam, IMO.

On the facebook post, she claims it’s Liam but I think the eyes look totally different.

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The jaw line/cheeks look different but it’s possible it’s been photoshopped??? The mouth doesn’t look as open as the prototype pics but that could be because the teeth :thinking: and your right the eyes are more squinty in the pics you posted

Something about the eyes…the mouth it can be because of the teeth.


At least I know I’m crazy then. I just kept looking thinking my eyes weren’t working


The eyes on both dolls are different.

His cheeks look different too, somehow. Like they were pushed down and away from his face a bit.
He definitely looks different.
Does she mention a size? The knock offs we’ve seen so far are often much smaller than the real kits.

No, she didnt say a size.

This is her ad

I wonder if there’s any trickery going on. Like a filter or photoshop.


I thought maybe that was a possibility too.

Liam’s eyes and mouth are more open. It looks cute with top teeth, though.

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Even the ears looks different. I’m thinking a filter. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Sellers items seem off. Authentic?

Amazon sells copies of expensive kits and I find this annoying and misleading!

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I don’t know if this is legit or not, but technically an artist could make the eye socket smaller by reshaping the vinyl while it is hot. They could also make the ears not stick out so much, and make the mouth less open in the same way. I have seen another artist use the method of heating the vinyl and holding the mouth of Liam more closed until it cooled, and it permanently stayed in the new position.

I have re-shaped vinyl heads in similar ways, sometimes to fix the head shape after baking it on its side, other times to produce a shape I prefer. Usually it’s to make a head more round, or more oval shaped, based off of what look I like better. You’ll see other artists do that with their kits, I have seen Saskia have a rounder head done by certain artists, and a more oval head done by other artists.

I re-shaped Margot’s head to be more rounded, while doing this I also had to push the eye sockets out from inside as the reshaping was making her eyes squinty. She is still waiting for hair, but I do have this one WIP picture that shows the slightly different head shape.


If she modified his mouth to add teeth, i wouldn’t be surprised if she modified other features as well. Ngl, I really like her version of Liam. She’s very talented, so I hope she didn’t join the ‘dark side’ (counterfeit kits)

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Was going to say the same thing.


He is definitely one if the cutest Liam’s I have seen for sure.


The chin looks a little different too but I’m guessing it’s either photoshop or they shaped the vinyl different when warm. Of course shading and undertones can make them look quite different too. I have seen many many Saskias who look a lot different from each other head shape wise but they are still just Saskia :joy:.