Is this one of the scam sites?

Someone contacted my scammer warning page and asked if this is one of the scam sites. I can’t tell if it is because it looks very different than the usual, if it is one of them. They show Lee Middletons and such. Some of the faces look familiar though, and I don’t know if this site is legit. What do you think?

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Their legit. I bought a Ashton Drake doll from them quite a few years back and had no issues whatsoever.


Thank you. I will let the person know.

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I’ve always wanted a Lee Middleton Doll. I’ll have to go look. Thanks @InfantInspirations and @OliviaR

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I’m friends with the owner. She is a nice lady. She may not answer right away because of health reasons. She has a brick and mortar store that is open some days. If you need to contact her, I will pm you her name so you can contact her on Facebook.


If this person wants to contact her I’ll let you know. Thanks!