Is this normal procedure?

I ordered a kit, some Lausche eyes, and Ruby Red mohair a couple of weeks ago. On the shopping notice, it listed all three items as shipped. However, in one small line above the shipping notice, it said the charge for hair and eyes were refunded due to not being in stock. I didn’t even notice it until I got a separate email for refund notification a couple days later. I got my refund, so that’s not a problem, but on the website, both of those items are still for sale (not listed as out of stock). Is this a common thing when ordering from MacPherson? I understand certain items are out of stock and plan on purchasing from them in the future, but will I have to just order and hope they have it in stock? Has this been a common occurrence for any of you?


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I’ve never order from MacPherson but I have seen things listed as out of stock on their site before.

I’d call them. They may not be aware these items aren’t showing as out of stock.

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That happened to me too. I confirmed the order placed and shipped but didn’t know until box arrived that my most needed item was out of stock. So what should have been a one week downtime turned into a two week downtime. And I had to place an order and pay for shipping again elsewhere. And wait another week.

I have also heard of this from a friend. @MacPhersonCrafts maybe she can explain it?

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