Is there a Realborn Kase asleep?

I’m so excited! I bought my first Realborn last night :blush: Kase awake :blush: I was just curious if there is a Realborn Kase asleep?


There is but he is out of stock. Not sure if his edition is sold out or not.

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I have made summer rain, Kimberly, Asher Asleep and working on Clyde now all 4 of them have been great. Not sure I like the awake realborns.


What’s the difference between the reg awake sculpts and Realborn awake sculpts? Besides the depth and details of course :wink: He looked too cute to pass up :blush: Plus, I wanted an awake baby since the last 4 I bought were asleep (Megan, Maise, Londyn, and Caleb)


The regular kits are hand sculpted. Realborns are made from a scan of a real baby on a 3d printer so they are more lifelike.


Yea, I knew that :blush: I didn’t know if there was something in particular you didn’t care for on the awake Realborns or just the look in general :blush:

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They look more dolly to me.

Oh, gotcha :wink: I wonder if you feel that way because most newborn babies are asleep 90% of the time? I hope my little Kase turns out super lifelike!! :blush: I had plans to work on Selina by Linde Shearer after I finish Sam but, now that I bought Kase idk…


I agree, I like Thomas asleep but Thomas awake looks dolly like. There’s something with the awake babies besides their eyes I never like, like his lips are puckered out on the awake one. Same with Kase, I love his sleeping version just never cared for the awake one.

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I found Kase asleep :grin: He’s out of stock right now but, I put myself on the notification list :grinning: I’d love to make a boy girl, awake asleep set of twins :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


I look at some of the awake dolls and I don’t like how Open the eyes are!! The dolls that have less open eyes are much cuter in my opinion. The really big open eyes usually look too stare-y!! and often don’t have enough detail around the eye. JMO. I’m partial to the sleeping babies also!!


Kase asleep is LE so I don’t see how they can have him temporarily out of stock since usually once the LE sells out, that’s it, unless they didn’t get them all made at once and will be receiving another shipment… I did notice that they don’t mention how many his edition is limited to in his description. Hmmmm… You might want to contact BB to find out if he will be available again. If not, you might be able to find him by asking on the buy/sell thread for BB items here. Good luck!

I noticed when I ordered Kase awake they didn’t say how many of him either. I guess I’ll see when I get my COA. I did see that both Presley are sold out with no option for e-mail notification so, I’m hoping they just didn’t receive them all on the first order :smirk:

Macphersons has Presley awake and Kase Asleep still. :heart: Of course not the awesome prices and sales like BB though.

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He’s a cutie :blush::heart_eyes: I think I’m going to make mine a girl :blush:

I love his hair :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::kissing_heart:

I have 8 Kase Asleep for a special project…
I’m pretty sure will hate that sculpt by the time I finish them all. LOL!