Is it me or

is Gudrun Legler popping off with all these new kits of hers??? i mean when I last reborned some years ago her kits were beautiful then but im amazed where shes come and how freaking adorable and real life her sculpts have gotten!
i ordered a Romy because i cant live without working on that face even though i was meant to just get rid of so many kits and just free storage but i think id regret and itd bother the heck out of me to not reborn that kit lol


I just ordered a Mika, Yael, and Sam from Mac’s. Her sculpts are beautiful :heart:


someone had a Yael on here for sale that got me lookin in the first place, wouldve never recognized it as Gudruns!


What is the first thing you notice in her sculpts? For me, it is the eyes and the expression they give. She does such a wonderful job with that.


yes exactly that, and her sculpts have always had a distinct look and its usually the nose… like shes not afraid to make a sculpt have a noticeable bridge on the nose (like she did with Nico) but defo the eyes and just how the face “lays”? if that makes sense its almost like her sculpts faces have a gravity look to them where cheeks come down just right and the creases in place just right… the newest sculpts dont look like doll dolls lol


She is definitely in my top 3 favorite sculptors… I like really real looking babies. I can’t even wait for little Sam to arrive… he is so precious!


yes i really liked Sam as well but something about Romy had me… and Rosalee by Auer ive also ordered her!

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Duck lips :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart::joy:


I was so torn between Sam and Romy for the longest time. Finally decided to look at their limbs and that was what helped me decide. I ended up ordering Romy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I discovered he in the past year. She has become one of my favorites. I just completed her Sanya. Too cute!


I have always loved her kits, but I’ve definitely noticed them getting even better. Who would have thought that was possible! Her latest sculpts are gorgeous, I wish I could get them all! Mika, Sam, and Ana are must have kits for me, I better get selling!

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i just ordered a Mika :neutral_face: i seen him done as a biracial baby and the big brown eyes had me melt

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