Is anyone selling babies right now?

Kai Legler is on his fourth re-listing and I just lowered him by $240. He gets watchers but no bids. Anyone else just having babies sit there? No sales?

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Yep, I’ve had a doll sitting for a year now… Ive sold a few but not much

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I have not tried to sell anything in 2023. Working on show babies. I pray they sell there because I still have a bunch of kits here waiting to be reborn.


You could try on reborns . com instead of eBay.


@PHehn, are sales still ok there? I’ve never tried it because it’s $20 a month and it may take months to sell.

@anjsmiles, I hope your sales go very well at the show.

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Do you use Reborns or eBay?

I only use
Mine sat for months then 4 sold in Feb/March (some on payment plans - which I think helped)


Are the payment plans through Reborns or something you set up on your own?

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He recently added Stripe (I think that is what it is called) but I havent set it up

I invoice through paypal and allow partial payments

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That is the downside…possibly having a doll sit for a while and the membership running out. I have sold one every month this year so far on reborns. So I think that site is one of the best ways to sell.
I don’t renew my membership unless I have a new doll to post. Your Kai is so beautiful! Don’t lower your price. Do you have an account on reborns already?


List him on Reborns. But I am so surprised that he is noy sold. He is prefect and if I would have extra money I would buy him.

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Ebay is like a treasure hunt for real reborns. They have to sift through hundreds of fakes to even catch a glimpse of a real one


Isnt that the truth!

I have had the same issue with my Kai, tons of watchers but no real interest, he’s been sitting almost a year and I think he’s one of my best babies so far. I’ve also lowered him $300 over the last 4 months, took new photos, including two professional photo shoots and absolutely no interest. However all my others have sold in the last couple of months.

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Not yet. I almost got one a few years back. Maybe I’ll try it, if Kai doesn’t sell this time around.

You are so sweet! Thank you! I appreciate your complements.

It must be that way now. I’ve been on there for 25 years and have sold reborns on there for 10 years. It’s never been quite this bad for me on there. Do people find they have been needing to lower their prices more on Reborns?

I’ve been wondering if he is the kind of face that has to appeal to certain buyers. I think he’s cute, but personally I would not choose him first if I was looking for a reborn. I almost sold his blank kit but decided to paint him at the last minute. He has a sort of serious look about him. Maybe that’s what it is. Yours is gorgeous and I hope he sells for you soon. Hoping the right buyer comes along for both of our Kai’s.


I sell on eBay I usually get watchers. Just sit till right person comes along

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Katy, you and I just might be the very last of those who sell their babies on eBay. :grin:


I am still selling ok, it has been a lot slower this year than most years. I have a new batch of circus babies I am going to be listing but I am guessing they will sell slower because they are big sculpts, and price point. I try really hard to be fair but those babies took forever, with big babies you can only get a few parts at a time in the oven. I have two ovens but they always trip my breaker if I use them at the same time…old house. I think we are at the end of tax return time so my guess things might slow but it’s a good time to get those Christmas babies ready.

If you make a budget friendly reborn my guess is you will do better come holiday season. Maybe offer a very standard no frills box opening also to keep your price point down. I notice babies at the 300-350 mark sell pretty nicely especially if they have nice painted hair. You can paint a good head of hair and still keep it simple.

Collectors will still be willing to lay down good money for a high end, well painted, and expertly rooted baby, especially if it is a really amazing sculpt. I keep seeing posts of FB of high end collectors new babies.

I gave away a baby this week, long story, I feel like these babies are still very well loved and so many people don’t know much about them.

Don’t give up, but don’t quit your day job…