Our newest Realborn®, Dustin Asleep, is just as sweet as can be! His first prototype is on eBay now. He was reborn by the talented artist, Shirley Jones: https://www.ebay.com/itm/133544035359.
LOL I was wishing that didn’t show. I often use a doll to test out my lighting before adding the real baby to the setup. The real baby doesn’t have as much patience as the doll does, so I let them cuddle with mommy while I get things right for them. I get so focused on the real baby that I don’t really pose the doll when I remove it from the setup, so that’s how that happened, lol. If I had used a reborned baby, I definitely would have taken better care though. I usually use a blank but assembled kit for this purpose.
Not a fan of that prototype either but I’m loving the blank kit. The little bend in the wrist and it looks like his face is slightly tipped up which makes me think he will be a good poser/cuddler