Interest in travelling pants again?

Hi ladies.

I thought about possibly doing a travelling pants box.

Basically i pack a box full of reborning supplies and send it to one lady who takes what they want and adds something. And sends it out.

Its been done here before but im nervous to start it in the chance that people will not do their part.



I participated in the traveling box last time and would definitely be interested in doing it again. I really enjoyed it.


Yes, yes, and YES!!! It was so much fun before!!! You can definitely count me in!!! :blush:


Me! :raising_hand_woman:t2:‍♀ I want to play! I loved the traveling box! :grin:


I would love to join in.

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Traveling Pants was fun. I’m in if you do it!

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I’d participate if I could, but since I can’t, you ladies definitely should! I’m sure it was fun for everyone who participated

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Im in too!

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I’m in!

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Ok its going to be a few weeks till i can get everything together. I will set up a list once i do that for everyone who wants to participate. I have lots of stuff to sort and choose. Im aiming to have the first box sent out beginnng of August.

Sound good?


Sounds good to me :+1:

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I would Love that but I have copd and cannot tolerate even the slightest cigarette smoke. :sleepy:

Hmmm. Do any of you ladies or anyone you live with smoke?

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I do not smoke and no one that lives in my house smokes. I will say that perfume gives me a bad headache and my husband is allergic to cats but that will not stop me from playing the game. And I wouldn’t want to ask anyone that has cats or wears perfume not to play because of it. I think the game is for fun and should include anyone who wants to play. If there is something in the box that will bother me I will just not choose to keep that item. If you start putting limitations on things like that it will be hard to please everyone. It is an incredibly fun game and should be kept that way for all that choose to or are allowed to play.


I don’t want to participate if smoking households are allowed. Not to be a snob, but smoke will ruin the entire box, not just the things the smoker puts in. :confused:


No smoke here. I do have dogs but they are not allowed anywhere near my doll room.


No smoking here!

I haven’t participated in any. I would like to this time.

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Ok. Rules so far are no smokers.
And no new members. Sorry but we need to know members enough from the board to trust them.


I don’t smoke but I agree with. @Phassell