Indian (as in India) Baby

What doll or dolls (in your opinion) would make a good Indian baby? I have a customer who has been searching for one.


I am taking a Middle Eastern/Indian class from Lara Antonucci at Angels in Waiting Nursery in May of this year. The kits that have been suggested for us to use are the Leglar babies, and some others that have the big eyes and more rounded faces. I also think that Shyann would make a wonderful Indian baby. And Kyra also if done right. Kaya might work if you wanted a sleeping baby. I would say go look at pictures of Indian children on the net and then once you get the shape of the head and face and the eye placement set in your mind then choosing the kit shouldn’t be too hard.

Thank you, Joy. A few others told me to consider the Legler babies, too.
