
This is quite long - skip to the last paragraph if you prefer!!

I have a customer who’s been getting on my last nerve - I FINALLY shipped out her custom today. This has been a nightmare. She asked lots of questions before ordering which I think is generally a good thing! Then things went downhill. She wanted a reborn made to look like her and husband’s would-be child but could not provide photos of themselves. Okay … so she offered a photo of their son as a baby, and that worked fine. From that photo I suggested a few sculpts that had similar features and she chose Frankie. I asked what she was seeking as far as hair and she sent several messages detailing how unsure she was. I suggested she could choose rooted or painted hair or bald after the baby was painted and pay the final payment accordingly, she liked that suggestion.

Just before the down payment she asked me what 3/4 vs full arms meant and I explained. She said she wanted full arms then, and I told her Frankie has 3/4 arms but I could swap the arms for a fee. She agreed. After she paid and I placed the order for the kit she asked me what a belly plate was, I explained, she said “ok.”

I worked on the doll steadily and she regularly asked for pictures - no problem - then commented that undertones were too bright, etc. I told her I would definitely change things if she didn’t like them but that the colors look a little bright right now because there is no skin tone painted over them, etc as appropriate. She was very anxious about this response but accepted it, and ended up thinking the painting was perfect once it was more complete.

I sent her some photos before assembly/hair and asked her what she thought. She asked if I’d forgotten the hair, I told her I was waiting for her to decide on the hair. She insisted she’d ordered rooted hair and paid for it - I showed her what she paid extra for was the replacement arms. I had to send her screenshots of the conversation we were actively using!! She finally apologized for the “misunderstanding” and paid for rooted hair. Having recently begun a demanding job, I told her prior to paying that rooting would take some time, she was okay with that.

I started rooting after she approved the color and she requested progress pictures. The buyer immediately commented the hair was too long, I explained it needs to be cut after rooting. She continued to request progress photos then comment the doll looked “scary” with the hair incomplete. I thought she was being funny - partially rooted dolls do look terrifying!! Then with the last photo, just before the haircut, she told me the last few pictures had been “terrifying” and she wouldn’t be making her last payment until she’d seen more photos - which I thought was odd because I wouldn’t expect her to, of course.

I cut the hair and sent photos along and she told me the rooting was too patchy. I told her I understood her concerns and added more hair to the top of the head. She still said the rooting wasn’t what she wanted. I finally gave up and explained politely that while I’m not a beginner artist, I’m not a master artist and rooting is not my strong suit - we had discussed this before she ordered anything. It is not terribly poor rooting but I wouldn’t take it to a doll show. I had offered to use a rooting service but she didn’t like the price, and wanted me to root for a lower price instead - she got what she requested and paid for. I then received a message from her “husband” on the same account saying his wife’s meds are off and she’s being negative, the doll is perfect.

Her total ended up being US $195 plus US $30 shipping due to a sale I was having. The profit I actually made on this doll is US $20.

I sent final photos and requested payment so I could ship. The payment came through (PayPal is holding it but that has nothing to do with the buyer) and I shipped today.

After the buyer receives the doll and confirms it arrived safely and as expected, is it a bad idea to just block her? I have a gut feeling that this is the kind of buyer who would claim after a few weeks they didn’t like the doll and request a refund, etc. I want to be done with this buyer forever ASAP. Thoughts, or could this come back to bite me worse if I block her?

Too long; didn’t read - A custom customer is constantly asking for WIP photos then getting worked up because the doll looks incomplete, wants very high quality work for a low price (she paid under US $200 plus shipping), is very needy. I want to block her after she receives the doll safely to prevent a buyers remorse case. Is this a bad idea?

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The only thing I would worry about is how it would look if she DID try to say something was wrong with the doll. If she filed a complaint with PayPal and told them you had blocked her after getting her money, I could see that looking shady - even if it absolutely wasn’t.


She sounds like the last lady I dealt with. I had agreed to a custom a while back, so when she popped up asking for one, I agreed. She was wishy washy, but finally got to the point where I was able to collect a deposit and get started. Then she became a total pain going back and forth, constantly asking me for extras… for free, of course.

I refunded her so fast that her head probably spun. This hobby is supposed to be fun. Dealing with people like this is not, so I don’t and I won’t. I am absolutely done with customs.

That said, I am not sure that blocking her would help anything. If she wanted to create a problem, she could always run straight to PayPal, couldn’t she? I don’t blame you for wanting to block her though. She sounds like she was a nightmare to deal with.


I think you both make a good point, that if she did have a problem she could just go to PayPal, and blocking her may look worse. I guess just cross my fingers and hope for the best from her reaction!!

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I wouldn’t block her yet. But maybe after a few months…when it’s too late for her to stir up more drama regarding this doll, then it sould probably be okay to block her. But if I were you, I would just move on and hope she leaves you alone. If she ever asks for you to make another doll, just say you aren’t taking custom orders.

I had one of these potential buyers pop up last week. She called me at midnight. When I didn’t answer she texted wanted to know what my hours are. (She’s in the same time zone as me. She knew it was midnight.) anyway, I texted her back the next day asking what she was wanting. She showed me a pic of someone else’s etsy doll and asked how much I would charge to make that exact same doll. I told her I won’t do that. But I would possibly make something similar. She kept adding requests. Finally she said she wants it t breathe and pee. I finally just told her I am unable to meet her needs. :flushed:

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I wouldn’t block her but keep all the text and emails from her and her husband in case she complains to Pay Pal to try to get out of paying then you can sent the emails to pay pal so they can see how hard you tried to please her, Also her husband did you a favor by saying she is off her meds and not happy with anything.


I’d be afraid she’d go to PayPal if you blocked her and they sided with her. But girl seriously you need to raise those prices up!


OK I deleted what I wanted to write (you all might think it was over the top)
but basically ‘don’t respond’…the ball is in your court, you do NOT have to reply to anyone.
And I definitely DO NOT do customs.

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I’d just keep her unblocked for now. If she starts making trouble, you can also just ignore her messages.
She sounds like a real piece of work.

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I wouldn’t block her. It might make you look iffy and she may love the baby when she sees it in person. I agree your prices are too low.

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I am doing so right now!! In CAD it looked like much more and I had a $50 off sale for the first 2 Mother’s Day customs I secured. I should’ve charged much more from the beginning!! It seemed like it was adding up because she kept adding costs like rooting, etc but in the end it’s still very little. Ugh. No more changes after the order - I have a page written out like a contract that will be presented to each custom customer, with the description of the doll they’ve ordered included. And my custom prices are much higher than my premade prices now. I need to get paid to deal with this silliness!!


Nobody can afford my price for this. :rofl: I just seriously don’t have it in me.

Want to know something funny that I’ve noticed? On my higher priced dolls, I have no problems. They want the doll, pay right away, are pleasant. I love these customers! It’s only when I have sold older work or had to mark down for a boo boo that I get irritating people. They want me to hold, make payments, want everything under the sun for free, and on and on. It’s ridiculous.

So yes, raise your prices. You deserve more anyway.


I would watch out for those “customs” they can be a real pain in the butt!! So many artists don’t even do them anymore because of all the hassle.

I no longer do customs. Too much hassle. The last one I worked on the person kept wanting this and that changed. Then found out she was selling custom dolls to people but having me do the work. I do not care if she sold the doll, but you do not take credit for my work.