I'm so torn! :(

So I’m needing money, and quickly which means someone needs to go from my collection. Right now I have my first reborn (caleb kit), Saskia (reborned by me), Levi (keeper,painted by me), Libby (keeper, painted by someone else), Nellie Brace (painted by me, my mom is attached so can’t sell) and Denver Rose (painted by me)
Out of those babies, really only Saskia and Denver Rose can go. Both are booboo babies and I don’t know if I can get much of anything for them, and I don’t know if I can let them go.
Help! I need advice, who should I let go? Gosh, I’m getting emotional just writing this lol But I really do need the money

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Why not post some pictures to see if anyone is interested?

I don’t know if I have any good ones lol. They’re not recent work of mine


I’ve seen your Saskia’s head in person and she’s darling! :heart_eyes:


Thank you, I do love her but I do need the money also lol

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I can get pics of their booboos tomorrow, it’s late and I probably should be sleeping

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they’re both beautiful and I love your Saskia. Where, and how bad, are the boo boos? I certainly don’t see any.


The booboos are stuff like a small bit of paint rubbing off/not sticking in general on toes. It’s definitely worse on Denver, but she’s been handled a lot. Saskia has small little spots on her head where some glue got on her but wouldn’t come off, but those are barely noticeable. And then some paint pooled in the creases. denver’s hair isn’t rooted the best, it’s a little pluggy, but it’s super soft fine kid and it looks pretty good in person


Saskia looks great to me, Im sure someone can get glue off, cover it with paint, or root her head😊

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If anyone wants Saskia, make me an offer. I don’t have a set price on her at the moment

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Your Saskia is absolutely adorable. I’m not in the market, but you shouldn’t have any problem finding a mommy for her.

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Thank you!