I'm so excited! Getting my first

I just paid off my first full body silicone! I found a not perfect Teyona on Facebook and the lady was nice enough to do a layaway for me. I just paid her off yesterday and now I’m waiting, lol. Hopefully I’ll eventually be able to give her the make over she deserves.


She’s cute. Lucky you! More than likely she’ll be dressed so her imperfections won’t be hugely noticeable anyway.

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Aw she’s cute! Congrats!

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She’s Adorable!!! :heart_eyes:

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Thanks! I’m in nesting mode now, lol

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I bet you are! I got to hold some at the IDS in Orlando last year and they are So different than vinyl dolls! Post more pics when you get her. Excited for you!

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I will definitely do that. I got to hold this sculpt at rose last year and fell head over heels.


I got to hold some silicones at ROSE last year. Now I want one more than ever. You can’t really describe how they feel. You have to experience it.

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She’s really cute!! What size is she??

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So true!! They are so special! I would love to have one. I’m actually a silicone mold maker. Just need the mold lol

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That’s exactly right and marshmallow silicone is even more amazing. I’m not sure what this little girl is but I’ll find out!

I really want to sculpt and make my own molds but I just don’t have the time.

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She’s newborn size. I can’t wait to get her home!

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Congratulations!! I’m excited for you. :grin:

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Congrats! Can’t wait to see pictures after you get her!

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I’ll be taking some, lol