I'm really excited!

I always wanted a little reborn monkey but kept putting it off.
Now today Pearl was for sale! She’s exactly the one I wanted. I actually rushed home to order.
Can’t wait to put her together and give her a big snuggle.

Now… does anyone know how long shipping to the Netherlands takes…? :stuck_out_tongue:


Not a clue.Sorry.

Probably 2-3 weeks? Maybe

I was thinking 2-3 weeks as well.
Right after I ordered the doorbell rang. There was a package. I was so delusional that I thought my monkey was already there. XD
Turns out it was just a package for my neighbor who wasn’t home. :frowning:

If you bought it from BB, it should be in Europe in about week or 2, from anybody else it depends what service they use. If they use the Global Shipping Program it takes a long time because it is 1st transported to a warehouse by track, which takes ages.