I'm new to this Forum, and so very excited!

Hello! Ooohhh, I’m so, so, very excited to be here amongst such amazing, talented women!!!~
My name is Dawn, and I reside in Tennessee (and absolutely love it!) I am 47 years old and "Momma"to 3 (of the furry persuasion, lol!) Dachshunds
While I’ve been making reborns off & on since the very beginning of 2008, I can honestly say that it is the most expensive hobby I’ve ever had, which is probably more because my desire to try almost every way possible to “paint” a kit, as opposed to sticking with 1 or 2 brands. I’ve used Genesis, Miracle Blend, Coastal Scents, Liquitex Soft body, True Watercolors, and Ink’s, and Golden. I really enjoy Liquitex with my C.S. for creases & such
Before creating my account, and for the last week or so, I’ve been stalking the forum, (stalking in a non-creepy way of course!!!) and I’ve just been amazed at the level of professionalism, respect, and the ability you each have to give the other Artists that crucial, honest, much needed, opinion and the always added remarks you each have given at one time or another that urges one to “stick with it”, “to not give up”, “to keep it up, you’ll get better with every kit!” etc…
How could I, with an undying love for making reborns not want to be a part of this Forum? It’s full of so many positives and at a time where there are so many negatives in the world, I, look so forward to meeting you all, and I will post my most recent WIP, first thing in the morning, they consist of a “Tate” sculpt, a “Promise” sculpt, and I’ll be starting my “Anastasia” sculpt on Thursday probably, It’s my “Intimidator” sculpt!!! as I’ve had it for sometime but I’m terrified to paint it!:grimacing:
I can’t believe I’m a part of this awesome Forum, and therefore in such close proximity to so much phenomenal talent, I’m just…not worthy!!! thanks
~Sorry so long, I’m just really, really excited!!


Welcome the water is fine come on in and get your feet wet I am sure you will enjoy it we may have some waves sometimes but for the most part it is pretty smooth .



Welcome…great place to be :slight_smile:

Welcome!! I’m sure you’ll have a great time here :smile:



Hello! I’m Jeni :wave:t3: welcome :heart:

Welcome to the forum!!


Welcome! Great to have you here!!

Welcome, can’t wait to see your babies and hear about your experiences with all of the paints you’e tried.

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Welcome. Of course you’re worthy. I want to see your babies. :hugs:

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Welcome to the forum.

Hello Dawn, it’s nice to have you with us!! We all know the excitement of reborning, that’s why we’re all still here!! This hobby is so fun, rewarding and yes, very expensive, oh and did I mention Addictive??!! Please post any pictures as you go along, we Love pictures! Good luck on your journey, glad you came out of “lurkerville” and joined in!! Welcome!!

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Welcome! It’s truly a happy, positive community we got here. I’m sure you’ll feel right at home in no time!
Please share your reborns, I’d love to see!

Welcome and glad you are here…cant wait to see your babies :smiley:

Welcome!! Can’t wait to see your wip kits!!

Welcome :heart:

Welcome. I moved to Tennessee 2 years ago. I will be 47 in 11 days. And have been reborning since 2008 also. Where do you live in TN? Look forward to seeing your work.