If You're Up For A Challenge...Kit Match Help Please!

Hello! This is my first time posting. I only recently started reborning but am already getting addicted. I’m still working on my first baby, Realborn Kimberly, and hope to post on her soon. I’m not quite ready for that yet. But I do want to post this now to see if anyone can help me find the best match for my little girl so I can create a beautiful reborn of her to treasure forever as she keeps growing. :slight_smile:

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I find many kits that seem sort of close, just not nearly close enough to really capture her. Her eyes are closer together than most kits I find, she has a very round head with full cheeks and lips, and she has a tiny little nose. I don’t expect an exact match, but obviously I will have the best luck reborning if I have the best possible sculpt.

Thank you in advance to anyone who decides to post! I can’t wait to interact more with you in the future!

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She reminds me of an Adrie sculpt.

Take a look here…


Maybe a Marx baby.

I was thinking Summer Rain.

I was actually thinking about a few Adrie sculpts. Do you have one in mind? I was thinking maybe Annie, Eric, Erin, or Paris. But I don’t know.

I did consider Summer Rain!

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I also thought maybe Reva Schick? They definitely tend to have my daughter’s face shape, but I don’t know which kit specifically might work.

Maybe Ylenia or Greta?


What about Mio by Marx?

That might work.

Maybe? I found it on Ebay, but the seller doesn’t know who the artist is.

Eliza Rubert

Robin Stoete

Sammie Stoete

Rose Stoete


I think Rose fits the best out of those. She’s a cute little chunkster! :smile:

Rose was my favorite too! I think her eyelids, nose, and face shape fit well. :slight_smile: Best of luck with your search!

Thank you! I appreciate your (and everyone else’s) help!!

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Take a look at Ivy Jane by Melody Hess for the 2nd picture. She’s a sleeping kit, but oh, those cheeks! I really like Rose Stoete, too.

I think that’s our winner!!! I just showed my husband and even he agrees. There’s just something about her that seems perfect–I don’t know what it is. Ivy Jane it is! I’m so excited! :smile:

Ivy Jane is perfect!

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