If bb had a sale..what kit would you purcahse? (If you had dolly money)

Ha, sorry @AmandasBabies I wasn’t trying to @ you I was just posting to the topic…Smh weird…lol

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@AmandasBabies That is Awesome! If you ever let go of Eliza I have first dibs, lol! I have Kinsey - will be Zombie, Hannah the Unicorn Baby and Muffin will be part of good/evil twins, thanks to some wonderful ladies on this forum. They will stay in my immediate family. If I ever get Eliza she would be a keeper for me as well as Tibby. Oh my Gosh! I am becoming a hoarder for real! But I am enjoying every minute.

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BB added more babies including one thats on my list!! (They really are reading this thread lol)

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I know what you mean lol

Well frankie’ s on sale so I guess I’ll have to mad dash to finish some outfits to sell.

Lol. I was looking at him too.

I’ve been wanting to reborn a frankie since the first prototype. Lol, I see a lot of potential. Hopefully he won’t go off sale before I can sell what I need to.

Aack! All this talk about getting more doll kits is killing me! I have nowhere near the number of kits I would like to have compared to the space to store them …or a hubby with the ability to understand that I need more! Mainly need to start painting again and selling so hubby understands how important stashes are! Emma and Dominic when the time out, neavah and Jesse…and all the rest!

I would buy like 10 summer rains, and 10 harpers. Love these 2 kits!!

SummerRain, Rowan, Tibby sitting, Jewel, Trey and Cookie (tried to grab them on sale earlier this week- but just missed it.)Definitely Charlotte!

joseph, emma, Miranda,

So BBC broke my pockets this week with all of these babies on sale. Some of them were on my wish list. I need to take a serious break from the home page. :smile:

Yay I got Tibby Standing on sale!! Mine mine all mine, lol!

Not my pic but isn’t she adorable?


Both pretty I’m not much into alternatives but I love, love the first picture I saw plenty times that one

out of stock: Presley asleep, Miranda,Emma, Dominic, Thomas asleep and awake

Ana, Neveah, Spencer, Isaac, Juliet, Elliot, Easton


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i want Joseph, Realborn Emma and Amelia.

So, since this was posted a couple of weeks ago, 8 kits that I wanted were on sale and I was able to get them!! :laughing:


BB definitely was listening…Lol and I took full advantage how can u not…Smh I think I’m goin kit crazy

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OMG, lol, you DID go kit crazy. :smile: