If bb had a sale..what kit would you purcahse? (If you had dolly money)

I just placed a huge order yesterday just on neck rings, plugs, glass beads, eye lashes - all that fun stuff. Didn’t order a single kit.

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Emma, Miranda, Joseph

Some day I will buy Tracy or Sweetie, Scarlet, Kimi, Kenzie, Rosebud, Daisy, Gracie, Jewel, Morgan, Precious Gift, and Lulu. :wink:

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Asher Asleep, Summer Rain, Maggie, Maddox, Harper, Cuddles…I could go on, honestly.

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I should have stopped with 19. LOL!!! I have several hundred in my stash. :astonished: Lots of them are LE and/or discontinued kits. I bought a ton when Doll Dreams sold off their inventory for dirt cheap? And I have SO MANY older BB kits. Dang, I need to get to painting!


Right? The crib I purchased for photos is FULL of doll kits! I have two (maybe three) non-BB kits and the rest are from here! It’s a pretty decent size vintage crib too. Ugh! I just need more room!!

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Omg! Let me know if you need to thin out your stash…Searching for Knox Eagles at a decent price and any Bonnie Brown kits too!!
Irresistables has had a few kits on sale for a LONG time! Ellis Kewy, Greta Arcello, a silicone preemie kit…Ugh! So tempting!!!
Must…Control…Urges…(reaches for wallet). Ha

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You’re such a good girl :blush: great self control :wink:

Presley asleep, Emma, Miranda, and sweet little Megan :blush:

I am planning to sell some of them pretty soon. I had a huge nursery and lots of storage space before my grandson moved in, but the nursery is now his and he needs the closet space, so I have to thin down the inventory. I don’t have Knox Eagles (I wish) but I have some others you may be interested in. I will offer them on here first.


Oh awesome! How nice of you to allow your grandson to move in. I’m sure he will have more closet space than I do! Look forward to seeing what you have!!

Just about any of the Realborns… I would love to have discontinued Newborn Eliza. I would get Tibby Standing on a deep discount.

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I don’t think so, but right now I really don’t know what all is in there.

My grandson will be 2 in June. We are getting full custody of him. Hopefully the process will be complete this Friday. We’ve been involved in this process since June 2016.
I will let you know which kits I have. :slight_smile:


I so wish I had gotten the discontinued Eliza. She was so pretty.

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Wow, can’t wait to see all that you have.

Oh wow! That is amazing. I’m sure he will be a handful, a joyous, rambunctious, loved handful.

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Or selling to me! LOL


I have found quiet a few of the discontinued kits in the past year. I have Newborn Eliza, Realborn Presley Awake and Asleep. Milo, Tristan, Tory, Sienna, Kase Awake, Thomas Asleep. That is all of the sold out or discontinued ones I have. Plus I have maybe 20 or more of the kits they still carry in stock. Not to mention all of my non bb kits. I really need to get my butt to working but it seems I like hoarding kits almost as much as painting them lol.


Right?? I am the same way about hoarding now! I feel like I’m buying more kits than I am painting!

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BB is listening (watching) Trey went on sale. Wish I could’ve got more kits from my wish list… but Trey and seconds Fei will work for now.

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