IDTS 2021 Canceled

This is so dang sad. Two years in a row. I have no words. @YelenaRey


That makes me so so sad! :sob: I’m afraid the Rose show will follow soon, but keeping my fingers crossed


:disappointed:. I had such high hopes for this year to be more normal.


Aww how disappointing! I was hoping to go this year. :worried:

I was just talking to my hubby about it asking if we could go to one of these shows this year. IDTS would be more expensive for me even though it’s closer cause I’d wanna go to Disney while I’m there :rofl:

If ROSE doesn’t cancel they are going to be PACKED with everyone who couldn’t go to any other doll shows. I wonder if it would be worth trying to go to even the floor show if they are only going to let X# of people in at a time.

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I’m just wondering how many years in a row my payments for everything for ROSE (including hotel deposit) can be rolled over and held.


I knew it’s going to happen :frowning: That is the reason why I even didn’t plan to paint anyone for the contest.
I suspect ROSE will follow too.


I think you’re right. I wonder if we can set up a virtual ROSE substitution here on the forums somehow.


They kinda did it last year on FB.
Someone explain it last year why it was not announced on BB forum. I am affraid to state the reason wrong, but I am sure that @jlesser remembers :wink:


No payments for IDTS will be rolled over. Mine were rolled from 2020 to 2021 and now that is cancelled. I am “supposed” to get a refund but it has not been forthcoming in the 90% that have been sent out. I think it is because it was rolled over and that money has been gone a while now. I don’t think one can file a PP refund this late out either so there’s that…Rosen Plaza has already sent out their refunds for room deposits.


Thanks. My payments were for ROSE so I’m still hoping it will happen.

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very disappointing 2 years in a row - but if they get the virus under control - and it can be done but takes time and some hardship and an effective vaccine perhaps - I am sure this will be the last cancellation and 2022 will be a much better year for the whole world. Having said that I am so so sorry for the lives lost already to this pandemic.

Australia - the only reason we are relatively virus free is because international and even domestic travel was banned - and there is no sign that ban will be lifted any time soon (except domestic depending on outbreaks). We are not in self isolation or a hard lock down but no-one is allowed in or out of the country . With the exception of returning citizens and International tennis players!

I am so looking forward to 2022


Hope they don’t close Rose but I am sure better minds then I will make the decision for us.

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