I would love to see Maggie!

I am starting my Maggie by Cindy Musgrove this weekend and would love to see your version if you have done her. I know Karen @kareninflorida and Allison @Awise1to have both done gorgeous ones. I would love to see those again and any others, I need some inspiration.


Here’s both of mine, can’t wait to see yours!


@mcurbelo has a beauty if I am recalling correctly .

So cute Karen. I am not doing the body plate so mine may turn out boy but yours is so cute as a girl.

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Oh I hope she posts hers too!

@mcurbelo did Maddox. Not sure if she did Maggie… but since they are the same… here is her picture. I think she is still in Thailand so I posted for her. :slight_smile:


Oh both are adorable, mcurbelo and rebornlove. I can’t wait to see mine start coming to life. I put a few layers on today but not seeing anything special yet. Maybe by tomorrow evening I will be making progress.


Aha I was close :smile: Thanks @jlesser

Aww she is beautiful.

Oh thanks. I have Maddox


Thank you @jlesser

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:smile: Still counts it’s family lol and total cuteness and you put a diaper on him wouldn’t know he was a boy for sure tee hee .


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