I want an open eyed Realborn Kimberly!

@EmilyBB @bbsupport

Can we please have an open eyed version of Realborn Emily? Seems like all the realborn babies lately have been sleepers. I am a fan of the big chubby babies. I recently traded my Clyde & Thomas realborn kits to someone for their Sleeping Realborn Kimberly because I like the bigger babies. OMG I LOVE this big chubby baby! I just would really like to have an awake version!!!


@izzy is completely gifted at kit mods maybe she could help that happen?


Yes, she is. However, I am wanting one made by BB that way, LOL! I appreciate those that have been able to wake-up the sleeping babies but they never look awake enough for me. I want a true awake baby.

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I wish they had more open eyed ones also, I love my Kase and want another realborn, but I have so many sleeping babies already.

I did not see that Kimberly. I agree that I too do not want a big wide eyed looking baby. However, that is too squinty for my preferences. Gabriel Fagan is an example of an open eyed BB kit to me that has a very realistic baby look to him/her.


I opened Hailey’s eyes and sculpted eyelids. She looks okay, but I can’t figure out how to get eyes to sit properly.


She is the cutest already!

That’s another concern I would have is setting the eyes. I struggle enough setting them when I have proper sculpted sockets! LMBO!