I think I scare my neighbors lol

So, I live in an apartment building, Next to tons of other apartment buildings. Imagine seeing this in the windows lol. This is a pretty common sight in my house


Thatā€™s funny!! When my hubby was buying storage boxes for me the other day, he told the woman it needed to be big enough to put baby parts in. He waited for her shocked response before clarifying. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Lol! Thatā€™s great!
I told my school principal that I had tiny human parts laying all over my house! He looked shocked, Even though he knows I make dolls lol!


You should see the looks on peopleā€™s face when I open my purse full of freezer bags of legs to try on shoes


Oh, THATā€™S funny!!! :hushed:


Thatā€™s great!
OR the look you get when you pull out an eyeless baby head at a crowded coffee shop lol


LOL!!! :imp:

Itā€™s an attention grabber thatā€™s for sure. I started taking them unpainted. It cuts down on the whole " OMG are those baby legs!?"


Good idea

Ok back to lurkingā€¦ Have a nice night Saw that pic above and it made me laugh so hard. Had to comment

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I hope you come out more often, @B5525! :slight_smile:


omg you guys make me laugh so hard
my oxygen delivery guy had to get used to baby parts on cookie sheets it freaked him out at first but now he comes in and always asks whats cooking


I bet he tells stories about those baby parts! ā€œI have this one clientā€¦ā€ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@B5525 BWAAAAAAA HAHAHAHAHAA! Now I need to do that around here. take a bag of baby legs with me!

@demonicchic12 that is awesome LOL. We live in townhouses and if the front window in open at night and the light on people can see my baby parts in the living room

My son still warns his friends about the doll parts in the living room LOL


My neighbors think Iā€™m crazy too! I bring doll parts outside before Iā€™m finished painting, to lay them out with a blanket for a body so I can get good lighting and good pics before I decide if Iā€™m done painting or not. But I get stares when I carry out my arm full of baby parts!

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I made Angelica and had to take pictures. So I went to a local park by a river on a Saturday morning. I wanted to take some of her sliding down on the slide. After I took pictures I put her in my car and a little girl and her father walked up and asked if my daughter would like to play. I thought I was going to die when I had to explain.
When my boys were younger I think around 6 and 7 (now they are 16&17) I would have to hide my doll kits when their friends came over because I would bake them in the oven. A couple times I forgot, my kids would reply my mom bakes babies for a living.


LOL! Thatā€™s really funny!


lol thanks for the laugh love these stories

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Hahaha I used to do that just for fun. My ex-Husband was not amused lol


Hahaha thatā€™s hilarious! Iā€™m feeling pretty embarrassed myself at the moment; I had ordered a ā€˜fewā€™ free shipping boxes for my OOAKs and as I just found out ten minutes ago, I ordered everything in quantities of 10. I have no idea what Iā€™m going to do with all these boxes and from the neighbors and mail ladyā€™s reaction Iā€™m pretty sure I emptied out the entire PO. :flushed: