I see what y'all be talking about

I listed my last AA doll on a couple Facebook groups. First they want you to post more pictures. Then all the questions, will you trade, will you take less, can you hold for me. Can you pm me. My gosh!. I had no idea it would be like that. I may post her on reborns or eBay this week.


She cute

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Very cute!

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That sounds like a massive headache. She should sell quickly- she’s cute.

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Oh it is. Thank you

Take her pictures in natural light near a window is best if you haven’t already. She looks so cute from what I can see!
That questions are so annoying at times!
You can tell when it’s a serious buyer or not
When it’s not a serious buyer it’s usually
"Can you hold this baby for me"
"Can I have her in exchange for this iPhone"

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IMO ,you get all those same questions and requests no matter where you list them.I have even had people send me there sob stories about how they can’t afford one and can they have my baby for free.

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Alot of that going around right now

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