I paint because it makes me happy

When I paint Im free and happy.
I erase and try to ignore all around me.
I escape in creating these dolls.
A lil pink here and a lil burnt umber over there.
A lil yellow and a dash of green…
Oh and let me add a lil blue…
Tada in the oven you go…
Okay bell ring take it out of oven…
Oh snap I didnt see that smudge…oh no.
A LIL PAINT dripped by the nose.
Paint stuck between the toes…
Lawd Im tired…
Let me put this kit over with the rest of the good the bad and the ugly.
Ill make magic tommorow …
I guess.
Laying in bed watching tv…thinking to myself…
Im going to do this and that and…
Check out more kits online…
EYES start burning…Netflix gets blurry…snores…gn


I think your my twin separated at birth :slight_smile: You stated just what I think and feel! Yes, I paint because it truly does makes me happy!


Yesss we love too paint…