I ordered Levi

By the artist Bonnie Brown. Was going to wait since I do have a few kits I should be working on but did not want to miss out on him. For the artists who created him how did you like his vinyl? Was it easy to paint? Also pictures are a plus!

Mine soaked up the reds like crazy. It drove me nuts, added powders at the end to get some of the color back


Is he on sale…want him!!!

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She’s so pretty! I use mainly reds to achieve a very newborn look so this worries me. I’m wondering if a coat or 2 of varnish would help that not happen for me? Ideas?

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$110 at truborns. Free shipping. I’m not sure what his original asking price was so I have no idea if he’s on sale.

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He is so adorable. I want him as a keeper :slight_smile:

She’s adorable Jennifer! So you just rubbed the powders in and then varnished?

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Um I think so. Lol I may have done another wash after that though.

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Maybe. Everytime I varnish first I end up with creases with spots I cant get clean… :confused:

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Hm… I will have to do some science and see what will work…just not on his kit LOL!! I will figure it out. :slight_smile:

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Yeah I would think because it leaves a texture. I was thinking of varnishing first but then it hit me it may not be a good idea. Lol

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This was last year before I was very good with GHSP, but here’s mine:


Adorable! I hope to be able to get him sometime soon :slight_smile:

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I didn’t have any issues with painting mine. I used GHSP.


Such a cute Christmas baby lol. :revolving_hearts::kissing_heart:

Ive had so many problems with Saskia…I ended up having to rip her hair the hair I had partially rooted, out and strip her. I haven’t had to strip a baby since I first started out. I just could never get her to take paint, no matter what I did she seemed to look pale so I got real aggressive and then ended up with her too dark. I tried just to ignore it and root her anyway but my physical therapist, that comes to my house, said she looked like shed been out in the sun too long so that was enough for me! Anyway, I have been holding onto my sweet little Levi kit until I get Saskia right…I have no problems with my realborns and Ive heard other people say Saskia is easy to paint so it must just be me, i don’t know.

I had no problems with Levi, I used air dry. I loved the kit, it’s got some nice details.
Mine is now a girl named Lizzie.