I need Inspirtaion! Show me your Twin A's from TBBC!

I have been wanting to paint Twin A by Bonnie Brown from The Bonnie Brown Collection (TBBC). I have found a kit on eBay for a great price. I would like some examples so I can make sure that I really want to make it and am not just purchasing it to have the kit…Because I have done that in the past…

Please show me! Much appreciated!

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Oh I love the chance to show off my babies…




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Here’s my twin A’s the boy was a custom order


I’ve seen them several times, and never get bored of them. They are the cutest!


@AmandasBabies @ABHoriginals Gorgeous work!! I’m so jealous! Definitely going to have to get this kit…Keeper baby for sure!

Thanks ladies!

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Thanks @specialmoments painted mine for me :slight_smile:


You can get the blank kit for a good price from http://www.noniesangelsnursery.com/Reborning_Supplies/Kits/Bonnie_Brown/Twin_A/twin_a.html for 64.99 cheapest place I found.

Here is my Twin A. I love her. She and her twin are keepers.


I have made 2 Twins A … A boy and a girl … And I have another kit here to be painted … I Like Twin B too … But if I have to choose one I ll go for Twin A :slight_smile:




Love Bonnie Brows’ kits feet




The are all so adorable!

I am the same, Love both babies but if I had to choose only one it would be A.

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Oh my goodness! Wow! Thank you so much!! That is cheaper…Even with shipping (to my zip anyways) it’s less than MacPherson’s is selling it for!! I’m curious, how come everyone else increased their price except for this lady? I know probably because of demand, but why wouldn’t she increase her price as well?? Thank you so much!!!

I found the Twin A kit being sold by someone in AU


Here are 2 sets I have done…First were painted kits custom order, 2nd custom order…Have another order for them but not doing them till later in the year… if you are looking to do to sell, they are quite popular

Not sure about her reason because I don’t know her but I do this from time to time just to clear out some kits or if I am buying kits I like and others that I don’t want to do are on sell, sometimes I order the cheap kits and sell them for about $10 - $15 above my cost…they end up paying for the ones I bought to keep so ultimately, I ended up with a couple of free kits to reborn…:smiley:


I love your painting!


Agree with Misty…they are beautiful!

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