I love to throw topics out....Heres another

If yall know me by now I love to throw out topics.Heres another one we can talk about.When is the best time to sell a reborn.Is it better to send alot of stuff out with the doll or less?And are you better at open eye or closed eye dolls.

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I think a few of outfits with accessories is enough. I have seen people do box openings with a whole wardrobe and I feel like that actually takes away from the experience. I’m really not sure if I do better with open or closed eyed babies. It probably depends on my mood. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This time of year it is hard to sell anything unless it’s school supplies, clothes or something needed for school. In my husband’s business, we always knew that August and September would be the worst months of the year. People are broke from purchasing school supplies.


Wow you know your stuff.I saw a box open from a very popular artist and nothing came with the baby except a paci

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I agree with Paula. My babies don’t sell for big bucks so I have cut down on the amount of extras that I send with them. They arrive in a sleeper with either a hat or headband, a couple of extra diapers, blanket, paci, and one outfit. IF I happen to have a bottle or stuffy on hand, I’ll include it, certificate and care sheet.

I’m good either way, open or closed eyes. I don’t have a preference.


When I sell a doll, I usually send it with one “dressy” outfit, a sleeper, and a onesie. I also send it with a magnetic paci, two diapers, and sometimes a headband. I wrap it in a receiving blanket when I mail it, but that’s all I send.

I think I’m better at closed eyed dolls because I can root their lashes easier. I used to dislike open eyed kits, I just didn’t think they were as cute as the closed eyed, but I find myself more and more drawn to open eyed kits these days.


I send a few diapers, an outfit that baby is dressed in, pacifier, hat, maybe an extra headband, and new receiving blanket baby is wrapped in.
I prefer closed eyes for a few reasons. I feel like they look more realistic sometimes and it can be a pain to put in eyes and do lashes on open eyes.


I have not sold any dolls, but I have purchased one reborn. She came with one cute outfit, one sleeper, booties, blanket, headband, magnetic barrette, magnetic pacifier and certificate. In my opinion, that was enough. Half the fun of playing with reborns is purchasing clothes for them!


Your babies are so pretty and delicate.

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.I use false lashes

At the time I became aware of reborns many were selling with frilly dresses and christening robes. Like these:

or like this

There was a lady, very skilled professional dressmaker, here who made beautiful ones and was auctioning them on eBay, and some were selling for well over $200. I was watching number of doll auctions with the hope to buy, and also auctions for these dresses - just from interest. The dolls I liked were going for more than I wanted to pay; I think I set myself $600 limit, and many were reaching $800. Anyway, I watched a dress that was very pretty, but had yellow and green pattern and I do not like these colors on reborns; it makes them look sallow. This dress sold for close to $200 and couple of weeks later an absolutely gorgeous baby was listed wearing it. I would have given my right arm for that baby, but there is no way I wanted to pay also for that dress. The doll sold for well over my limit, and I decided to make my own baby, rather than paying for somebody else taste in clothing .

The moral of the story is that not everybody has the same taste, if you spend lot of money on layette you may be narrowing your customer base. Lets say you want $300 for your doll and then add $100 for layette; there will be number of people who can afford $300, but will struggle with $400.

As far as eyes go, I actually do not find any difference in popularity. I personally always liked opened eyes, but hell, the sleepers are so much easier; no messing with trying to fit the eyes in wrong shape sockets and rooting eyelashes on sleepers is just a singe.


Thank you, Tahitie :heart:

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Great story…thanks for sharing.

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I have not sold any but with the first few reborns, that I gave to my family, had a lot of things they did not use. They are all still in their original clothes, lol. So now I just send the outfit they are in along with a blanket, paci and some kind of container - basket, pretty box to be stored in etc. They are happier with that, all the other stuff was too overwhelming. We all prefer open eyes, which are easier for me.

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Oh my goodness! I just had a vision of a wide open eyes surprised baby. :astonished:
Is that baby real? What is wrong with it?
But seriously, you do make a good point.

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So broke. Tell me about it. Haha! We sent 4 kids off to school this year. Bye bye :money_with_wings:


I really like the idea of a little box/container for storage!

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@Mommy2six This baby fits nicely in here wrapped in a blanket. She is my Keeper Zombie though! I stack them till it is their turn to be showcased.


First doll I sold came with a bunch of clothes. When I sent her a message to ask how she liked the doll, she told me she’d bought some new clothes and put her in that. Lesson learned.
Now I usually sell only with the outfit they are wearing. Once I start selling for more money, I may include more things.


I like the “Open eyed” doll. Hands down. God bless.


That’s perfect!